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access chamber install
Access Chamber Install
The access chamber is underground bury install, protects electrical,telecom, and water supply components 

Your Reliable Access Chamber Manufacturer in China

JinMeng manufactured from an exclusive formulation of polyester resin and fiberglass with sheet molding composite techniques yields lightweight high-strength products for easy installation and supplies the manhole covers, drain grates, valve boxes, access chambers, and pedestals. We’re proud of our China manufacturing roots that strengthen our position in an ever-changing marketplace. In 2009. we won the G B/T2 3 8 5 8-2 0 0 9 standards and "National High-tech Enterprise" in China. Over the years, Jinmeng has enjoyed steady growth through our in-house engineering and manufacturing control of several strategic manufacturing facility purchasements.
Since 2001, we have invented, designed, patented, and manufactured our products proudly exported to customers from around the global. Jinmeng continuous obtained "I S O 9 0 0 1, I S O 1 4 0 0 1, I C M Q, U K A S certificate, Jinmeng supply round to rectangle product match various classes of B S E N 1 2 4, A S 3 9 9 6, A A S H T O M 3 0 6- 1 0 load ratings that can easily pass your local official road manage requirements